Beginners brows on a budget

Forget the smokey eye and the statement lip these days it’s all about the bold brow… No one could have predicted we would be putting so much time and effort into preening and perfecting our eyebrows but with the undeniable influence of Cara Delevingne, big bushy brows have never been more popular! This is not a look for everyone but even if you wouldn’t call yourself a brow connoisseur you cannot deny that good eyebrows can change the shape of your face and make eyes look bigger, overall giving you a more completed and complimentary make up look. This eyebrow craze is not just for the younger generation it doesn’t matter what age you are, grooming your brows is relevant to all age groups. So what products will you need to achieve this look? Personally my favourite eyebrow product is Benefit's Browzings, which I have raved about in a previous blog. This kit comes complete with a powder, setting wax, a mini tweezers and 2 mini eyebrow brushes but at €35 it is not going to ...