Product of the month: February

Real Techniques expert face brush There are so many ways to apply foundation and having tried every method possible I have now converted from my Mac 187 (€45) to the real techniques expert face brush (€13.49) and here’s why… The most important part of any make up look is creating the perfect base and to do this we need 2 things, the perfect foundation and the right tools! Finding the right foundation can be a long and expensive process but finding the right tools to apply the foundation is easy enough and should not be too costly! I had heard a lot of good things about this brush and expected it to be quite expensive so when I spotted it in Boots for €13.49 it was a no brainer! So after such high expectations would it be as good as I hoped? Actually it’s even better! Unlike a flat foundation brush this leaves no streaks or lines, it’s so easy to blend your cream or liquid foundation and it really leaves an absolutely flawless look!...